A New Grand Master Mason
The new Grand Master Mason, Brother Dr Joseph J Morrow, outlined his vision for the future of the Scottish Craft, and lauded the outstanding achievements of his predecessor, after being installed this afternoon.
Brother Morrow admitted it was a crucial time of change, as he spoke of his plans to grow the Scottish Constitution and engage more with society .
He aims to develop stronger civic engagement by encouraging Scottish Freemasons to play a greater role at the heart of their local communities.
As a positive example, he pointed to the presence of the Lord Provost of Edinburgh, Robert Aldridge, Edinburgh’s Lord Dean of Guild, Alan Robertson and Jock Miller, Deacon Convener of the Incorporated Trades of Edinburgh.
All three attended the celebratory dinner following the Installation of the Grand Master Mason.
Brother Morrow intends to utilise new technology to make Scottish Freemasonry become even more open and transparent.
And he promised to deliver the Strategic Vision of the Scottish Constitution by saying, “We will expand the global presence of Scottish Freemasonry by inspiring our members to enjoy their involvement and by attracting new members to strengthen our capabilities and reach.
“This will be achieved by cultivating a positive culture of inclusivity and a meaningful impact on our communities.
“We are committed to placing membership at the heart of Scottish Freemasonry, growing internationally and creating inspiring communication and engagement.”
He spoke of building on the great successes of the Immediate Past Grand Master, Brother William Ramsay McGhee.
These included leading the Craft through the Covid pandemic; improving communications by launching a Weekly Update; inspiring the Brethren to raise £1.125m for Prostate Scotland and tirelessly travelling the globe to instal District Grand Masters and Grand Superintendents.
In addition, he visited countless lodges at home and abroad to celebrate installations and anniversaries.
He also became the first GMM to host a meeting that was attended by the full overseas leadership. The Zoom get together attracted all 26 DGMs and four Grand Superintendents.
Brother Morrow now hopes to take the Scottish Craft forward by working closely with his predecessor, who will Chair the new Governance and Strategy Board.
Creating this group was one of Brother McGhee’s greatest achievements, especially since the idea had been first suggested some 23 years ago in 2000, and he will now bring his considerable expertise and knowledge to leading it.

Brother W. Ramsay McGhee