Care Homes
Scottish Masonic Homes
The ultimate aim of the Organisation is that the experience of Residents should be enjoyable, positive and meaningful, should enhance their quality of life and that services are provided in a comfortable, homely and secure environment where they feel happy and at ease. Providing care and support which is needs-led and person centred underpins all that we do in the operation of the Care Services.
We are committed to providing a high standard of care and support for Residents. Further details are outlined within our Statement of Operating Policy, Aims and Objectives this is part of our comprehensive Information Package which can be sent our upon request from [email protected]
The Masonic Homes are operated on a not for profit basis, operational deficits are funded by the Grand Lodge of Scotland. Fees are based on individual circumstances and the accommodation which is selected – room rates are available on request.
The services are reviewed on an ongoing basis in order to maintain our current high standards. There are robust recruitment procedures in place and all staff are vetted in accordance with strictly outlined guidance. We are committed to providing training opportunities for staff as a means of enabling us to continue to deliver a high quality of care and support for Residents.
Inspection Reports
Our latest inspection reports provided by the care inspectorate can be found below
Our Care Quality
A very important part of the process which we use to review our services is by seeking the views of Residents and their families. There are a number of ways in which we do this – for example via our Internal Quality Assurance system, via regular Residents meetings, by way of the formal reviews which are held for each Resident and via the Family Forums which we hold. We also have an in-house quality assurance folder which we actively encourage visitors to look at. We regularly communicate with Residents and their families to let them know about projects and works which are being planned to improve our systems, procedures and facilities. Each Home produces a regular newsletter.
In addition to the Staff teams which are based in each of the Homes, the Homes and Charities Manager regularly visits both Sir James McKay House and the Marcus Humphrey House in order to meet with the Managers to discuss the day to day operation of the services and oversee any projects which are being undertaken to improve the facilities at both Homes. These visits are formally recorded and include, from time to time, a general inspection of the facilities and grounds. The Homes and Charities Manager also sees Residents, staff and occasionally family members during her visits. Such regular visits facilitate policy implementation and assist in ensuring that aims and objectives in terms of service delivery are met.
Additionally, the Homes and Charities Manager carries out regular internal audit of each of the care services, this is the subject of a formal report which the Managers use as a tool to maintain and improve standards and develop new processes where this is identified as being required.
We aim to comply with the requirements of all of the relevant regulations and legislation.
We work with the Care Inspectorate, which is the Regulatory Body for care services in Scotland, and with the Local Authorities, which also monitor the service which we provide.
As mentioned previously, we actively seek the views of Residents, their families and other stakeholders and interested parties.
We use the National Care Standards and other relevant legislation to guide us in making Policies and putting procedures in place which mean that the Home is effectively managed and run.
We actively engage with all of the appropriate healthcare services – for example, local GP’s, District Nurses, Hospitals – to ensure that the Residents receive all of the elements of care and support which they require to fully meet their individual needs.
Staff are registered with the SSSC (Scottish Social Services Council) which is the Regulatory Body for those working in social care in Scotland. We expect that all of our staff will adhere to the SSSC Codes of Practice which set out how they should behave both within and outwith the workplace.
Apart from permanent residence, short periods of convalescence and respite care can be provided. When a vacancy is available respite or convalescent care can be provided and further information on availability can be obtained by contacting the Managers of the Homes. It is also possible for those living at home with the support of their family, to have a short break in one of the homes while the family is on holiday.
Prospective Residents and their families are most welcome to visit the Scottish Masonic Homes in order to meet the Staff and to see the full range of facilities.