General Information

Looking after vulnerable members of society has always been a concern for the public and this is reflected by Government attention to providing appropriate standards and legislation. Our aim is to comply with the requirements of all of the relevant regulations and legislation.

Thinking of using our Care Services?

The Staff Team – whether based at Freemasons’ Hall or in the Homes – are there to assist. Residents and/or their families or representatives  are encouraged to speak with staff about any concerns, worries or queries which they have.

Volunteer Groups

During the lifetimes of the Masonic Homes, they have developed their own traditions, which are centered around the Masonic fraternity, and have become more meaningful as time has gone by. I have mentioned before how much support is forthcoming from the Volunteer Groups which comprise the Provinces of East Lothian and Berwickshire, Edinburgh, Fife and Kinross, Linlithgowshire and Midlothian for Sir James McKay House and Argyll and the Isles, Ayrshire, Dumfriesshire, Dunbartonshire, Galloway, Glasgow, Kilwinning, Lanarkshire Middle Ward, Lararkshire Upper Ward, Renfrewshire East and Renfrewshire West for the Marcus Humphrey House. The annual Garden Fetes and Barbecues, as well as many other events, could not take place without the participation of the Groups. Last year saw the 25th anniversary of the opening of the Marcus Humphrey House and the Volunteer Group organized fitting celebrations. A commemorative token was commissioned to mark the occasion. In addition, a special Entered Apprentice Degree to celebrate this milestone was held in Lodge Prince of Wales, No 426, which was extremely well supported. The activities of the Volunteer Group attached to Sir James McKay House underwent a review in 2016 and a number of new ideas are under consideration by representatives of the five Provinces involved.