Charity Support

What is Grand Lodge Benevolence?

Benevolence is defined as ‘the quality of being well meaning; kindness’ and being benevolent is ‘serving a charitable rather than a profit-making purpose’. It is providing help when it is needed and can be offered in many ways to different people dependent on their needs.

  • Financial support with day-to-day living expenses
  • A training grant to assist with the cost of studying at University or College
  • A grant to assist with an apprenticeship
  • Care and support for yourself or a relative
  • A grant to support an external Charity to provide a service or deliver a project
  • Charitable giving is one of Freemasonry’s core values and while Grand Lodge donates directly to many worthwhile causes, individual lodges, Provincial and District Grand Lodges also do so, generally donating to local causes in their area.

As part of its grant-giving activities, Grand Lodge supports many external Charities which assist people throughout Scotland and overseas.

Prostate Scotland

In 2012 Prostate Scotland was selected as the nominated external Charity for the Grand Lodge of Scotland for the next five years – a strong partnership has already been established with the Charity.

Prostate Scotland

Nearly 1 in 2 men in Scotland will be affected by prostate disease at some stage of their lives and 1 in 11 are likely to develop prostate cancer.

This seemed an excellent area for Grand Lodge to get involved and an opportunity to educate a large group of our membership on the perils of prostate disease and to become more aware of simple preventative action that can be taken. We have appreciated the active involvement that Prostate Scotland has taken at various meetings held by lodges throughout Scotland.

We look forward to further developing what has already become a meaningful and mutually beneficial partnership with this Charity to raise awareness of prostate disease, its symptoms, the treatments which are available and the lifestyle choices which can be made to maximise prostate health. Since the association with Prostate Scotland started in 2012  two awards of £10,000 have been made by Grand Lodge, with additional sums being donated by Provincial Grand Lodges and Daughter Lodges bringing the total donations from Scottish Freemasonry to date to almost £80,000. Representatives of the Charity have attended the Festival of Saint Andrew and have visited several Masonic meetings to share information.


Grand Lodge and many of the Daughter Lodges, Districts and Provinces have supported CHAS the Children’s Hospice Association for Scotland having donated in excess of £600,000 since the first donation for Rachel House Children’s Hospice was made in the early 1990s.