Clinic Complete
The Clinic was completed by April 2018 and is being equipped to provide a range of healthcare services for the local Community. The Clinic was formally opened on the 14th of April 2018. Seven members of Lodge Perla del Oriente attended the ceremony which involved a 4am flight to Tacloban followed by a two and a half hour road trip to Ormoc.
Video of the formal opening of The Clinic which has been shown on various television channels around the world.
At The Great Love City the brethren were welcomed by Alfredo Li, The Vice President of the Tzu Chi Buddhist Foundation. As can be seen from the video, the sides of the roads for the last half km to the building were lined with villagers who formed a welcoming party and the village band led the procession to the clinic. Brethren were presented with flowers by local children and welcomed by the former Mayor, who had donated the land on which the whole project was built. After welcoming speeches and songs the clinic was formally opened and the plaque was unveiled. A letter from The Grand Master Mason was read and one of the Brethren gave a short address about The Grand Lodge of Scotland and its Charitable work in Tagalog, the local dialect. Thank you speeches were then given and during lunch brethren were introduced to some of the students from the village.
Those who attended the opening were impressed by the genuine gratitude of local people for the assistance provided by The Grand Lodge of Scotland in funding the clinic.
The Chairman and Members of the Benevolence and Care Committee were delighted that The Grand Lodge of Scotland had been able to be part of this inspirational project and is immensely grateful to all of those Brethren who have worked tirelessly throughout the process, firstly, to establish the meaningful partnership with the Tzu Chi Buddhist Foundation and thereafter to liaise with all parties as required to bring the project to a successful conclusion.