The Grand Lodge of Scotland / Poppyscotland 2018

Day 14 The final day. After visiting 31 Provinces the length and breadth of the country over 9 weekends from 4 August the Grand Lodge of Scotland/Poppyscotland joint venture to commemorate the end of the Great War in 1918 finally drew to close with visits to Port Glasgow in Renfrewshire West and Dumbarton in the Province of Dunbartonshire.

Saturday 29 September

Day 14 – 12.30pm

Arrived at Lodge Doric Kilwinning No.68 in Port Glasgow. Unfortunately it was raining today.


To be welcomed by Bro. Robin McIntyre PGM of Renfrewshire West.


Brethren assemble at the War Memorial



PGM Bro. Robin McIntyre lays the Provincial Wreath


PGM and the WSS


PGM Bro. Robin McIntyre with the WSS

Grateful thanks for the hospitality received at Lodge Doric Kilwinning No.68 and to the Provincial Grand Lodge of Renfrewshire West for undertaking the necessary  arrangements.

Saturday 29 September

Day 14 – 2.30pm

Arrived in Dumbarton at Lodge Dumbarton Kilwinning No.18 where we were met by PGM Bro. James Forrest.

Unfortunately a rainy drive when leaving Port Glasgow, however, it did clear up when reaching Dumbarton.


The service was conducted within the Temple.

PGM Bro. James Forrest lays the Provincial Wreath


Brethren and friends within the Temple


PGM Bro. James Forrest, RWM’s of the Province and the WSS.


Wreaths at the War Memorial within the Temple


Bro. James Mair, President of the WSS presents Mr. Gordon Michie from Poppyscotland with a cheque for £1,918.

This afternoon brought to a conclusion a journey that commenced at the City Chambers in Edinburgh on the 4th August.

31 Provinces visited over 9 weekends, 14 days in total, the length and breadth of the country, many miles covered and a few nautical miles as well.

Every Province and their Daughter Lodges rose to the occasion and provided a fitting tribute of commemoration of those who made the ultimate sacrifice in the Great War.

The hospitality received on this journey was exceptional and demonstrated the Craft at Work.

On a personal note I would thank the 31 Provincial Grand Lodges who assisted with the arrangements and the various Lodges who provided much needed refreshments and accommodation on the way.

The Widows Sons Scotland are to be commended for their support in providing a presence at every location visited and also providing that common link to each Province.

David A. Reid
Grand Sword Bearer

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