The Annual Communication and Installation of Grand Lodge Office-Bearers will be held at Freemasons Hall at 12:30 PM on Thursday 30th November 2023. Thereafter, the Festival of St. Andrew will be celebrated at 3:30 PM at the 02 Academy (formerly The Edinburgh Corn Exchange) Newmarket Road, Edinburgh, EH14 1RJ.

Coach transportation from Freemasons’ Hall to the 02 Academy will be provided, at the conclusion of the Installation ceremony – there will also be return transportation to Freemasons’ Hall.

Tickets are £80.

Payment for this year’s event should be made online below.

Your prompt attention to these matters would be greatly appreciated. Please note, that due to increased regulations in the hospitality industry, early and precise bookings are strongly recommended and very much appreciated.


Please provide the details of ALL Brethren who will be attending the event in the form below. Each time you increase the “ticket quantity” a new form will appear below. Details for each Brother attending the event should be entered into a new attendee form slot

Yours sincerely and fraternally

William M S Semple

Grand Secretary

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