Grand Master Mason – Christmas Message -2019
It is my great pleasure at this Christmas time not only to wish each one of you and your families a very happy Christmas but it is also an opportunity to say a heartfelt thanks to everyone and to celebrate all that we have collectively achieved in this past year.
First, my thanks for the tremendous effort we have witnessed throughout the Scottish Craft in aid of Prostate Cancer Scotland. To date we have gifted the magnificent sum of £551,000 to the Charity thanks to your endeavour, enthusiasm and support. In addition, the effort for local charities in each of your Districts, Provinces and Lodges has been incredible. Thank you.
During the past year I have been privileged to travel the length and breadth of Scotland and to visit our own Lodges in Hong Kong, Manila, Yokohama, Kobe, Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh, Kuching and Brussels. Everywhere I have been I have been enthused and encouraged by the passion and zeal displayed by the Brethren and by the support being received from our wives and families in all that we do. Indeed, during the past year that enthusiasm has resulted in over 1600 new entrants into our beloved Craft.
We have witnessed improvements to the administrative systems for Lodge Secretaries, we have enjoyed concerts in Grand Lodge by the Band of the Royal Regiment of Scotland, the Phoenix Choir and an unforgettable presentation by Brother Moises Gomez. We have celebrated all over the world with Lodge Centenaries, Bi-centenaries and greater, we have welcomed new Lodges into the fold, and we have enjoyed welcoming Grand Masters and representatives from Europe and America to Grand Lodge.
2019 has seen much success and I have no doubt whatsoever that in the year ahead by working together, by supporting each other, by assisting each other we can achieve much.
May you all have the spirit of Christmas which is Peace, the gladness of Christmas which is Hope, and the heart of Christmas which is Love and that 2020 will, through the values of Freemasonry, see that Peace, Hope, and Love make the world a happier and healthier place.
With kindest regards to you and your families.
W Ramsay McGhee
Grand Master Mason
Happy Christmas for all family
Fraternally yours from J D D McNaughton PM Lodge Commercial 180 also Lodge Tir an Eorna 1775
Good 2020 peace, water, land, air, food, fire to all