Therapy Ponies visit Sir James McKay House

The Residents and Staff of Sir James McKay House were delighted to have another visit from our friends at Therapy Ponies Scotland. The visitors today were the adorable miniature Shetland ponies Wilson and Flicker accompanied by Elaine and John, their owners.

Wilson even delivered a birthday kiss to one of the ladies who was celebrating her 88th birthday that day.

The positive impact which Wilson and Flicker’s visit had within the Home was obvious. The little ponies wore ‘whoops-a-daisy bags’ which meant that they could go all over the Home and even travelled in the lift to visit some of the Residents in their rooms.

The ponies are a firm favourite with everyone at Sir James McKay House and are scheduled to visit again on Valentine’s Day next year.

We are grateful to the Friends of the Home Volunteer Group which has agreed to fund regular visits from the ponies and our thanks go to the Provincial Grand Lodge of Midlothian for kindly meeting the cost of this visit.