A Regular Communication of the Grand Lodge of Scotland is a formal gathering of up to 600 Scottish Freemasons at our Headquarters in Edinburgh, often referred to as “Grand Lodge Assembled.” These meetings are held three times a year—on the 1st Thursday of February, the 2nd Thursday of June, and the 3rd Thursday of October—and are open to all Master Masons in Good Standing.

During a Regular Communication, several key activities usually take place, including:

1. Reports from the Grand Master Mason: The Grand Master Mason provides updates on the work of the Grand Lodge, its activities, and any new developments in Scottish Freemasonry.

2. Decision-making: Grand Lodge epitomizes democracy in action, where the assembled membership discusses and approves various matters related to Masonic practices, rules, and governance. Grand Lodge assembled is the decision-making body for Scottish Freemasonry, comprising every Scottish Lodge Master and Wardens from around the world. They are the voice of our global membership.

3. Ceremonial Proceedings: Certain ceremonial components are included in the meeting, as Freemasonry places a strong emphasis on symbolism and rituals.

4. Social Aspects: The meetings also include opportunities for fellowship among members, reinforcing the Brotherhood and solidarity central to Freemasonry.

The term “Regular” in this context refers to the fact that the meeting is sanctioned by Grand Lodge, conducted according to established rules, and adheres to the Masonic tradition of being held in a manner that upholds the values and principles of Freemasonry.

Attending Grand Lodge is an important aspect of Scottish Freemasonry, and all Master Masons should enjoy the experience as part of their Masonic journey. It is a great way to stay engaged and connected with the broader Masonic community.

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